Public vs. Private (Reblogged)

“We call things ‘secular’ because we have neatly detached God from most spheres of life and confined Him to spiritual game-reserves called ‘sacred areas’ where we visit Him from time to time.”

Disturbingly true, isn’t it?

Just A Thought

Excerpt From: Greenslade, Philip. “Every Day with Jesus Jul/Aug 2013: The Great I Am.”

via Public vs. Private.

Strength for Each Task (Reblogged)

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. (2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17 NLT)

How sweet to know that the Son of God has not only given us an eternal comfort, but also continues to comfort & strengthen our hearts in the paths He leads us on!

Prayer: “Be thou my strength and comfort this day and always. Amen”
Rebloged from WordJAT (April, 2013)


Get Up and Try Again (Reblogged)

Ever heard the following song:

Get up and try again, smile away that pain
Brush away that tear, dear child your Father’s near
He will always understand and lend a helping hand
Lovingly He’ll say, “Get up and try again”.

As you go through the week, keep this in mind: No matter what has happened in the past, the Lord is closer to you than your very breath!

Gray Clouds (Reblogged)

A little prayer for the rest of the week….

Dear Lord, help me to know that no condition is permanent. And that grey clouds are just passing clouds that will soon be replaced with bright skies of hope. Teach me to say, “this too shall pass” when am faced with difficulties. Help me to hold on, while trusting you, one day at a time. Amen

Every blessing, with prayers….
Word Of Hope Ministries

Smooth mountains (Reblogged)

I’ve heard it said before: ‘child, if the mountain were smooth, you couldn’t climb it’.

There might be a reason for the mountain, and a purpose for its roughness. Wait patiently on the Lord to see you to the top!

Why We Crumble (Reblogged)

“We do not crumble from the pressure from the outside, but often from the hollow within”- the hollow created by the absence of God in our lives.

May you know the in-dwelling presence of God in your heart and mind this year, and always.

Happy New Year! 2014

First post of 2014! So, Happy New Year to all Just-A-Thought (JAT) readers around the world. It is our prayer here that you’d continue to know the Lord’s blessings, keeping and enabling this year. Amen.

Also, thank you for your continued support, comments, follows, likes, shares and encouragement. JAT wouldn’t be the same without you all. Thank you so much. Here’s to another year of sharing the hope that comes from the Lord, above.

Finally, for the next couple of weeks, JAT will be taking a trip down into the archives to dig up some of the favourite posts from the past years. Watch this space…


Love is Giving

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:1 & 14

It is so easy to get sucked into the festivities, the buying of gifts, wrapping of presents, travels, jingle bells, etc, and miss out completely on the very essence of Christmas.

Christmas is about a demonstrated love – God taking the first step to bring us back to himself through his Son Jesus. Now, gifts and turkey carvings are delightful, but what’s more delightful is that God desires a relationship with us- not because he needs relationship by the way, but because we were made for relationship. In him, with him, we find our true selves and purpose.

So this Christmas, remember Who it is really about and do make some space and time for Him.
Have a blessed Christmas time.

The Power of Gratitude

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Learn to appreciate the people around you. No one is an island. We all need somebody. A cheerful look brings joy to the heart (Prov 15:30), in the same way that a grateful person makes you want to go all out for him/her. Sure, there is plenty you do not have, but there is much you do have if you have people around you.

Appreciate the smallest of gestures and you’ll find that you feel better for doing so and you may also make someone else’s day.

Saying “Thank you” costs you nothing, but you can earn much favour with those you truly appreciate.

Hope in the face of doubt

“If you feel like you’re at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!* The God of Heaven is the God of great miracles and provision. He is holding the other end of the rope.

*Often attributed to Thomas Jefferson and Franklin Roosevelt although the actual source might be a proverb from the American West in a 1946 article in Pearce, T.M., “The English Proverb in New Mexico,” California Folklore Quarterly 5, no. 4 (1946): 354

God Sees The Best In You

Do you know people who only see the cup as half full? That’s not your God.

God always wants the best for you and sees the best in you. Sure, He wants you to “fix up” in those challenging areas of your life, but through it all, He’s rooting for you to get it right.

Imagine running in a stadium and you’re about to beat Usain Bolt in the 100metres; there’s someone cheering wildly in the crowds and shouting at the top of their lungs. That’s God cheering you on and waving a banner saying “You can do it!”. Just imagine that.

God sees the best in you, but how you see yourself matters. So today, look in the mirror, what do you see? I see greatness.

Rest Assured

Father, help me believe and rest on this simple but reassuring truth: that whatever you allow into my life will work for my good (cf Romans 8:28). Impress this thought deep into my spirit so that it will bear me through any sort of situation that comes my way. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen


Morning into Dancing

“You have turned my morning into dancing”  Psalm 30:11.
“The wise King Solomon said ‘For everything, there is a season’ and goes on to list many events in life. When you’ve cried all your tears, dance. You’ll be surprised how therapeutic it can be”

Psalm 30:11 & 2 Samuel 6:14

(Excerpt from Richard Daly’s God’s little book of Hope)

Romans 12:12







On Thin Ice

Hard pressed, pushed to the wall
Till it feels like walking on thin ice;
When reason and logic seems more appealing
Than trust in a promise of providence;
When sight and the now more desirable than
Faith and hope in a better future.

But, we refuse to give in to the lure of the temporary
And yield only to the leading of the Dependable Hand.
In a world that constantly seeks to claw us in,
We pray that You would preserve our faith, Lord,
Till thin ice becomes a sure, immovable Rock of safety.
Help us look to You alone, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.

Dominic Ahiaga-Dagbui, © 2013


In His Hands

“Many things about tomorrow

I don’t seem to understand;

But I know who holds tomorrow,

And I know who holds my hand.” – I. Stanphill
